We’re minds and makers with business sense and creative chops, set out to connect people with what matters most- the passion. And we spend each day doing so by sharping our skills and plan our projects.
- and many more...
Moonartsstudio is an art and service based startup company. The mission is to provide promotional awareness towards mental health through art and other creative representation in order to embrace empathy to core in different centers, hospitals, institutions and organizations. We’re creating a collection of ideas, stories and passion to create art in each and every form. The future of our motto ’embrace empathic culture’ is in your hand.

Know us more
Empathy, to embrace other's emotions and help needy ones.
Commitment to make positive difference in society & indivisual's life.
Drive to do what we love
Authenticity & Professionalism, to create surreal art and embrace humanity.
Also, MAS provides an opportunity to connect art community and to showcase promotional exhibition.

What we're creating
At Moon Arts Studio, we’re excited by the potential of our artists, psychologists, and field-based professionals to empower needy people. We believe MAS will expand the empathetic culture with a toolset available to foster creative minds & studios around the world. We believe in ‘health is wealth’, mentally or emotionally, so it’s a pair of psychology and art in a basement presenting them together in-form of the paired art exhibition project “MUSKAN”, or working with massive studios with multi-million budgets working on our first sister body ‘Rooh Films’.
MAS makes it easy for clients to foster with our studio & for us to preach empathy and create art without limits.
Briefly, we showcases the best form of creative art in form of paintings and exhibiting them in institutions in order to promote gentle awareness regarding mental health and urge to overcome it through their own creativity. It also showcase moonartsstudio’s personalized art collection and others promotional art collection for whoever wants to collaborate in our way to embrace mental health and empathy.
Also, creating a platform to educate youths to foster their creative side and help humanity for better. To comeup with ideas to embrace our empathetic culture and bring their vision to life through us.